Shout-out to Amazing Aussie Charity

At Dom Distribution, we’ve always believed in the power of community and the importance of supporting our local heroes. We have been inspired by the incredible work of Drought Angels, an organization from Chinchilla (Western Downs does it again!) that has been a lifeline for Aussie farmers. Just last week they shared some exciting news that reflects both growth and a renewed commitment to our farming community.

When Drought Angels took its first steps ten years ago, DOM Distribution was growing after a decade under the leadership of Pat & Shelley O’Brien. Across the country though, the coming decade was not looking so good - Australia was in the grip of a severe drought. Aussie farmers were fighting tirelessly against an unrelenting dry spell. But, as history has shown us, every drought eventually yields, often making way for floods which can be equally devastating. Throughout these challenging times, Drought Angels stood by our farmers, providing much-needed assistance and hope.

As we reflect on the journey of Drought Angels and look ahead, it’s clear that their mission has evolved beyond just drought relief. They have expanded their services to meet the ever-changing needs of the farming community, ensuring they are there to support farmers through any hardship they face. It’s with gratefulness that we recognize their new identity: Farm Angels.

This rebrand to Farm Angels represents more than just a name change; it signifies a broader mission and a deeper commitment to the farming community. Farm Angels now embodies the extensive range of support provided to farmers, standing with them through every challenge, whether it’s drought, flood, or any other adversity. We believe this new name will help convey the full scope of their support and reinforce their dedication to those who sustain our nation.

At Dom Distribution, we’ve seen firsthand the incredible resilience of our farmers. They are tough, hardworking, and deeply committed to the land. But just because they can handle a lot doesn’t mean they should have to face these challenges alone. Farm Angels ensures that even on the toughest days, our farmers have the support they need to keep going.

As we approach the end of the financial year, we encourage everyone to support our farmers by making a tax-deductible donation via the Farm Angels website.

Join us in celebrating this new chapter as Farm Angels. Together, we can make a real difference, ensuring that our farmers know they are never alone in their struggles. Visit to learn more about their mission and how you can contribute to this incredible cause.

Mitch Smart